On 19 December 2009, H.E. Mr. YANG Jiechi, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China sent a condolence message to H.E. Mr. Ratu Inoke Kubuabola, Minister for Foreign Affairs, International Cooperation and Civil Aviation of the Republic of the Fiji Islands, expressing his deep sympathy to the family members of all the victims of Cyclone Mick, and sincere condolences to those who lost their lives. Mr. YANG believes that under the leadership of the Fiji Government, the Fiji people will conquer the disaster and rebuild their homes.
To help the Fiji side with the disaster relief effort, the Chinese side decided to provide US$ 30,000.00 in humanitarian aid. On 21 December, H.E. Ambassador HAN Zhiqiang handed over the donation to the Fiji side. Amb. Han also said that Chinese Government and people have the empathy for Fiji's suffering, and wished the soonest restoration of normal life in Cyclone hit areas.