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40th Anniversary of China-Fiji Diplomatic Relations
Photo Exhibition of 40 Years China-Fiji Relations
Congratulatory Letter from H.E. Xi Jinping to H.E. Nailatikau(2015-11-03)
Congratulatory Letter from H.E. Nailatikau to H.E. Xi Jinping(2015-11-03)
Congratulatory Letter from H.E. Li Keqiang to H.E. Bainimarama(2015-11-03)
Congratulatory Letter from H.E Bainimarama to H.E. Li Keqiang(2015-11-03)
Congratulatory Letter from H.E. Wang Yi to Hon. Kubuabola(2015-11-03)
Congratulatory Letter from Hon. Kubuabola to H.E. Wang Yi(2015-11-03)
Events Held to Celebrate the 40 Years of China-Fiji Diplomatic Relations(2015-11-23)
Events Held to Celebrate the 40 Years of China-Fiji Diplomatic Relations(2015-11-23)
Events Held to Celebrate the 40 Years of China-Fiji Diplomatic Relations(2015-11-23)
Events Held to Celebrate the 40 Years of China-Fiji Diplomatic Relations(2015-11-23)
Speech by Hon. Bainimaram, Prime Minister of Fiji, at the China-FIiji 40th Anniversary Diplomatic Relations Symposium Opening(2015-11-06)
To Create a New Splendid Future of China-Fiji Relationship--Speech by Ambassador Zhang Ping at the Symposium commemorating the 40th Anniversary of the Establishment of Diplomatic Ties between China and Fiji(2015-11-06)
Message of Hon. Rosy Sofia Akbar, the Interim President of the Fiji-China Friendship Association and Minister for Women, Children and Poverty Alleviation(2015-11-06)
Speech by Commercial Counselor Yang Xunlei at the Symposium commemorating the 40th Anniversary of the Establishment of Diplomatic Ties between China and Fiji(2015-11-06)
Speech by Hon. Mereseini Vuniwaqa Fiji's Acting Minister for Foreign Affirs(2015-11-06)
Address at the Economic and Trade Forum Commemorating the 40th Anniversary of Diplomatic Ties between China and Fiji(2015-11-06)
Speech by Mr. Yang Zhiming, China Railway First Group(2015-11-20)
The Navuso Spirit(2015-11-17)
Seeking Dream in Fiji(2015-11-17)
Thoughts of Bilateral 40th Anniversary of Diplomatic Relations between China and Fiji(2015-11-17)